29 June 2009

A Little More Than Two Months Out...

Tickets have been bought! (Final?) tentative schedule has been received! Just waiting on visa and *shudder* inoculation information.

People keep asking me if I'm nervous. I can't really be, yet, because it's all a little surreal still. But the recent advancements are making the trip more concrete in my mind.


18 June 2009

What Is This Anyway?

For the 2009-2010 school year, my third year of college, I will be traveling with Global College's Comparative Religion and Culture Program to: Taiwan, Thailand, India, and Turkey. I will be spending 6-7 weeks in: Taipei, Chaing Mai, Bangalore, and Ankara with a week (or more) in between in various other cities.

I'm fairly excited to say the least about my impending travels. I feel very privileged to be able to include this journey in my life. Talking to someone about the slight discomfort I had having received this blessing, she told me that all opportunities are half fate and half preparation. So that's how I'm looking forward as of right now.

I hope that my writing here can serve as effective communication between family, friends and strangers alike. By next May, I will have flown, like a bee, around the world.
