26 August 2009

Let The Packing Begin!

My passport came back yesterday (BIG relief), adorned with three new full-page visas for Taiwan, Thailand, and India.

With a week and a half until California and only TWO weeks until I leave for good, I've started packing. Some might think this is crazy. But with my internship over and nothing else to do except prepare for my trip for the next week-and-a-half, packing is the only thing keeping me sane right now.

Over the years, I've gone from chronic overpacker to efficient packer. Correction: I've mastered the art of weekend, 1-week, and 2-week "perfect" packing (not packing more than I'll use). But this whole 9-month, moving at least 5 times, AND leaving room for things along the way is throwing me for a loop. It will surely be an entirely new experience, living out of a bag and backpack for 9 months, but I'm sure I'll come out of it with a renewed perspective on what it really takes for me to get by. I think Mom and I might go out tonight to see if I can find a bag will better suit me than the one I already have.

On a different note, the program guide said that sport sandals were a "favorite among CRC students." As I was already interested in them anyway, I'm thinking this is my perfect opportunity to get a pair. I think they might be nice in addition to the sneakers (and possibly casual sandals) I'll be bringing. I've been looking into Chacos, Keens, and Naturalizers (only ones I've actually put my feet in but ohmagawd-comfy), but I'm not sure what I'll end up with. Thoughts, anyone?

In anticipation,