18 February 2010

My Puzzle In A Country...

India is starting to make a little sense. The puzzle pieces are all still scattered all over my mind and other places I haven't found yet, but I'm starting to turn some over and even connect a few! I'm not sure they'll stay connected for long, but I'll take success as it comes and goes.

I had my first real Indian sickness a few days ago. Turns out, looks and tastes can be deceiving and you don't find out until 8 hours later when your stomach wakes you up in the middle of the night to rid itself of foul substances in your digestive system. I missed going on the field trip to see the place where The Buddha gave his first teachings, but bed was pillow and the toilet were the only things I could manage that day.

Over that and feeling much better, we're been exploring Banaras for our last few days here until we head off to Sikkim tomorrow for colder climates and more Tibetan food! Yum! Yesterday, we went to a goddess worship microcosm of India 80 kilometers away from Varanasi. We got to meet two aghor practitioners, one male and one female which was a rare experience, even for our guide here. The aghor practice is completely orally passed and otherwise very secret so we didn't learn much about their practice, but it was an amazing experience to feel the presence of the female aghori from Bengal. She was one of the warmest and kindest women I've ever met and was happy that we all came because now she knows that her children also live in the United States.

India has been a great experience and I hope that life finds me back here, but in all honestly, I'm ready to walk down the street and not have to worry about stepping in cow dung or have strange men comment at me for no reason.

Ready for something a little less intense,

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