18 October 2009

In Love With The World...

So I hit the 2,000 word count on my final paper today and decided to take most of the day off to "reflect" on it...aka come up with 500 more words to add to it...

My time in Taiwan is almost up and I think I'm ready to move on. The bar of soap I started when I got here is almost nonexistent, just another sign that I'm ready to move and go somewhere else, get new experiences and start all over again.

Although I really should be looking back at the last six weeks right now, all I can do is think about the future. I'm yearning for the place that I fell for immediately when I saw it for the first time just over a year ago --- Chiang Mai. I'm trying not to anticipate love, but it's hard to fight instinct. Even looking for hostels for next weekend made me happy, knowing the environment I'll be apart of this time next week.

And then there's the whole week with elephants thing. How could I not look forward right now?

Although I've always enjoyed traveling and being abroad, I've never felt that the travel bug bit me so hard as it has right now. Home is a reminder of unconditional love and comfort, but the beauty of strange things becoming familiar is too distracting right now.

Strongly bitten,

1 comment:

  1. still loving your blog and cannot wait to see you in Chiang Mai
