24 October 2009

Swaritka Chiang Mai!

First impressions? Laid back, happy-go-lucky, delicious...wonderful things!

In fact, Thailand is so laid back, that on the bus ride from the airport to the train station (that was already 30 minutes late because of traffic) with ten minutes until our train was scheduled to leave, our driver stopped on the side of the road, talked with a street vendor, went into 7/11 to get change, and walked back out to the bus, picking up food from the vendor on the way. We ended up making our train still, but would have had a fight to pick if we hadn't because of the short pit stop.

We took an overnight train to Chiang Mai and I had the pleasure of waking up to a Thai sunrise! Windows!!! How I love you!!!

After cramming 9 people into a red truck, baggage and all, we arrived at our guesthouse, which is a pretty nice place. A very different kind of "nice" from our last place...bright colors, lounge areas, a pool table, and backpackers galore! It should be a great weekend.

From what I can tell so far, Chiang Mai is about half foreign people (including residents and tourists) and half ethnic Thai. It gives an interested flavor to the city. But so far, I'm absolutely in love! I could not be happier with my new location! Did I mention there are pictures and statues of elephants everywhere?!?!


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