15 January 2010

Overwhelmed, in a Word...

Internet is scarce here in India. As are heating, electricity, and water for the next month or so. Communication will not be as frequent as it has been the past four months (god...has it been that long?!), although I wish it could be.

India. So far. Has been so many things, but most of all one huge sensory overload. The sights (bright colors, people people people, and poverty at its worst), the sounds (frequent melodious car horns, talking, screaming) and the smells (spice-filled food, trash decomposing on the side of the street, sewage) --- it's felt like a nation-wide, never-ending movie that I've been placed in without a script or part to play.

I've already fell deep into and have seen the light out of my first India-induced illness. It could have been the food; it could have been the exhaust fumes; it could have been the overwhelm. But I did not let it stop me from visiting the Taj Mahal yesterday. Checking it off as my second Wonder of the World, I can understand why it is on that list. It was absolutely beautiful and we got there late enough for the fog to have settled so we could actually see the structure in all its white marble beauty.

We're moving six times in eight weeks in India, moving from Delhi to Amitsar to Dharamsala to Haridwar to Varanasi to Sikkim and Rajastan. It should be quite the experience, and if I can't tell you all about it here, I'm sure you'll be hearing about it for years to come when I return.

Overwhelmed, in the best of ways,

1 comment:

  1. sorry to hear about the sickness :( never good. I drank dirty water in Cambodia (I assumed it was clean, bad assumption) and paid a price for that mistake.

    hope you're feeling better and EAT LOTS OF NAAN FOR ME! thanks
