05 April 2010

Easter Fromps and Frolicks...

Yesterday, spending yet another Easter away from home, I attended my first Orthodox Easter service and then drove for two hours to Hasankayf, an old ruined Roman castle on the Tigris River.

The caves were by far the most beautiful place we've visited thus far in Turkey, and quite possibly the most beautiful place we've visited thus far on CRC. On the 2-hour drive to the caves, we were all wondering whose idea it was to put us all on a bus again, considering we've spent at least half of the past week on buses.

But after we had lunch (literally) sitting over the Tigris river and hiked up the old Roman road to the castle, which sits on a piece of higher land surrounded by deep gorges, we understood why this place was a must visit. Our professor had to literally herd us like sheep away from the half-ruined rooms and ruins when it was time to go back to the bus.

Today we're heading out on yet another bus ride (13 hours this time) to a Sufi village south of Ankara. We'll be there for five days and then head back to Istanbul, the last stop on our 8-month journey. A month from now, I'll most likely be passed out in my own bed with my own blankets, and bags still packed to the brim.

Happy (late) Easter,

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